Thanks for all the comments. Jeff there are two 1/4 '' oak strips under the bowl. That did help the volume. The shape is supposed to be a SuperMan emblem shape, but your are right it does look like a coffin. BT Cohosh to answer your question it has a bit of a clangy sound but it sounds great.
Brian Romero (Barefoot Cajun) has experimented extensively with resos and he has recommended jamming a couple of bamboo skewers under the bowl to minimize the contact with the wood..
you could give that a try when u next restring..
dont thank me, thank him, he's got some great ideas and he sings and plays real nice check his page..
you could give that a try when u next restring..
dont thank me, thank him, he's got some great ideas and he sings and plays real nice check his page..
a coffin huh?
I've used a stainless kitchen bowl myself..
i think the volume is poor (as reso's go) but the tone excellent..