



Rochester, NH


May 11

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  • Thanks for the kind words, Nick. I should be thanking you and Gitty for making a kit available. I didn't realize you would see these on here, was gonna send them to CB Gitty Crafter Supply later. I will keep you updated on my progress. Either on here or your work email. I don't know how to play the damn thing, but it is gonna look very cool. That neck recess required patience I didn't know I had!!

  • Well, the second attempt failed also so I'm giving up for today.  Sorry to have bothered you.

  • First upload attempt failed after half hour.  Trying again.

  • Hey Nick, I'm currently uploading a video of an old traditional Halloween-themed song for you to consider for the next Gitty Gang Show.  I put it together quickly so it's not the best.  Had a problem with lighting so I converted to B/W to get better contrast and brightness.  If I need to make it available on a different platform, let me know.  Thanks, Wayne Anderson

  • Thanks!!

    Fiancee has been enjoying the strumstick; I've been focused on working on the house lately, so, guitar has been largely set aside for the time being.  Hoping to get back to it soon though!

  • For the 'Viking cello' I couldn't find an attestation of a psalmodikon built on a pitchfork in Scandinavia nor Finland. On my blog «Kuvat sippiviulusta? Photos of a finnish lumberjack's 'sippiviulu'?» I was asking for photos of finnish diddley bows, till now without success. I found only some textual descriptions as «Fifty years ago, among the instruments played by the finnish group 'Koittankosken Pelimannit' was a 'puoliakustinen lumilapio' eli 'sippiviulu'», aka 'a half-acoustic snow shovel' or 'sippiviulu'».

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