I'm looking for a very clean sounding acoustic amp to use with the CBGs I build (all piezo-pickups so far), as well as my violin (also piezo- L.R. Baggs pickup/bridge combo), and other acoustic instruments.
I'd like to build a decent-sounding reverb to use as a pre-processor for my practice amps (which don't have reverb). I'm not really interested in a foot-pedal - I'd probably package up the reverb along with the guts of an old preamp/distortion/susta
I've been getting an annoying hum with all my CBGs when I turn up the amp gain. The cable I've been using is reasonable quality, but has metal jackets on the plugs. When I touch the plug housing, the hum goes away, meaning it's a grounding issue.
Hi, I'm new here, and have become really fascinated with the idea of making and playing CBGs. (OK - I admit it - it was seeing Paul McCartney using one with Nirvana that reminded me that I wanted to try doing this...)