



Willowbrook, IL


June 22

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  •    The "My Father's Cigar" is a very beautiful ornate box by itself so I tried to be minimal in its design. I found a diagonally cut "special edition" orange ribbon and a floral sticker in the box so I used them in the design. I added the brass pieces to accent orange ribbon  I glued and varnished to the neck and glued the sticker to the end piece of the CBG

         I felt that the brass ribbon accent pieces tied in with the brass accents on the box and created a nicer eye flow.

         This is a heavy cigar box and I recommend anyone who finds one to build a CBG with one of these babys. It has a deep thick sound. Yes, I am still using Piezos and I am noticing the sound variances being dictated by the quality of each cigar box that I use. Duh to me right! Still learning...

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