Fayetteville, NC
Fayetteville, NC
January 19
How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?
Shane Speal!
How many instruments have you built so far?
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
Building something out of nothing and it sounds awesome!
Hello All, I'm new to this site and always looking to learn from what's out there on YouTube and here as well. Some have lessons on playing, building and helpful tips on both. I've subscribed to some like Shane Speal, Del Puckett, Southern Fire…
Read more…Hello, anyone in the Fayetteville, NC area building CBG’s?other than me. Thanks……..Jack
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Welcome, check out the Resources tab for build info and join some groups located in the Posts tab? Forum is for questions and Blog posts are for sharing your build processes? Site has a glitch, here’s the trick: