That question about Diddley bow measurements, you can use the same dimensions & scale length as a regular cbg? As to what string or what kind of you want to use, is purely preference? (wound,plain,nylon,bass,etc.) D & G are popular tunings for them, but there are no rules when it comes to one string :) cheers!
There is also a Scale lengths group here with different fret scale charts?
That question about Diddley bow measurements, you can use the same dimensions & scale length as a regular cbg? As to what string or what kind of you want to use, is purely preference? (wound,plain,nylon,bass,etc.) D & G are popular tunings for them, but there are no rules when it comes to one string :) cheers!
You start with one but end up making a lot of these mad guitars. Have fun and bon chance mon ami. T-belly ( uk and Indre )