


Fort Walton Beach, FL


September 29

How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?

I went headfirst down a interwebs rabbit hole

How many instruments have you built so far?


What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).

First off, the absolute satisfaction of creating a musical instrument that has never existed before! Even though there are a multitude of cigar box guitars, or washboards out there, never before was there one exactly like the one I made with my own hands. I LOVE the process! Figuring everything out as I go, embracing my mistakes and ignorance and making some beautiful ugliness come to life is fantastic. Plus... they're just cool as all get-out!

Frettin' and stainin'

Hello all! Newbie over here working on my third build which will be my first fretted neck. Super happy with my neck shape and fret board and was just wondering... In y'alls experience, are there any pros and cons to the order of cutting and…

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