Chuck Dubman's Discussions (15)

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$3.00 glue pot

Goodwill find, $3.00 grand total, plus a few kitchen odds and ends.  I think it was a potpourri warmer in its previous life.  Keeps glue at a *perfect* 145 degrees F (and my money stateside instead of going to China).  Nice graphics, too.


gluepot1 0

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Your favorite fretwire?

Completed several builds with Dunlop 6130 wire.  Nice, but a pain to set in an 0.022" slot without glue, rather skip that whole extra set of steps.  Just tried a test with 6170, with an oversized (0.024") tang.  Fretting has just gone from 22 shots o

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Shopmade saw

Planing fretboard meant recutting the slots, but a regular saw is awkward, needed something smaller, cheap, that would deepen a 0.020" slot.  Have several cheap pocket rules that mike out to a hair under 0.020, making them excellent victims.  A littl

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