Bluesheart's Discussions (60)

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PC speaker amp?

I know that if you use powered computer speakers as a cbg amp it will be really quiet due to the low output of the piezo/pickup (quiet ain't what I'm goin' for!) But, I do not want to spend much if anything on a preamp and really do not know how to b

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What NOT to do!

I figure this photo will serve as my membership card! Will not fall for that one again. So, I'm no uke player. I do have a uke. I used the uke that I have as a plan for the one I built. After stringing it up and learning some uke chords, I realized t

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Big mistake Indi !

Well, I'l let that be a lesson to me! At least I caught it before it was too late. So, I based my first Uke design on the measurements I copied from a commercially made Uke I have but have never really played. While double checking my bridge placemen

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Bridge style

Thank you for all the input from my last post, I've decided to use a non tapered neck. Now I am trying to decide on a bridge style. I'm torn between a traditional Uke bridge/saddle or a separate bridge and string pins. Any input on pros/cons of eithe

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dog walk treasure hunts

I find some of the best stuff while out walking the dogs. Here are pics from this morning. 10 heart shaped ring drawer pulls. Nice and strong. Antique looking hammered finish. You'll be seeing these show up on my builds! The price was right!


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Remove and re-use labels?

I have boxes with beautiful artwork on the inside of the lid. I'm wondering if there is a way to remove them in one piece, and remount them on the outside of the box. Some of the lids are rounded on the edges, so just flipping them over will not work

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Box art salvage

I don't like destroying/hiding the beautiful labels inside the lids. Any tricks for removing them in one piece and re-applying? Thought about steam, but they are paper so I think they would tear. Heat?

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Dulci spacing

I've got some small but nice boxes that I think will make nice dulcitars. I know I can get fret calculators but don't want to do all the precise measuring. Unable to access fret templates as I'm a Mac. I just did a rubbing of the frets on my Ovation

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