Hello I'm Reverend Nix host of the only "live" CBG Radio show www.StinkFingerRadio.com SFR is on Wednesday at 8pm est till 9pm and Fridays at 4pm est till 6pm. There is a weekly rewind on SFR website and interviews. I would like to be your Friend and ask you to join the SFR Group here on the nation http://www.cigarboxnation.com/group/stinkfingerradio If you have any Music recorded and would like me to play sent it to ReverendNix@gmail.com All Music will be played as long as its not a cover. Please Join us at Stink Finger Radio we are going to tear it up.
Welcome aboard, Balasch! You will find lots of helpful folks and information here on all things CBG (CBU, CBB, etc.) Feel free to poke around, ask questions, and post your stuff (photos, recordings, videos, etc.).
Up in the Free Resources menu at the top, you will see a number of plans for building and playing cigar box guitars/ukuleles/banjos/dulcimers/violins. I encourage you to download any of the plans, take a look at them, and ask questions from there. Also our site is VERY searchable. I bet you your questions have already been asked, so take a few moments and look around.
Join our Chat sometime (see the bar at the bottom of your browser page). Keep in mind that tho the chat window says there are X number of people online, not all may have the chat window up.

...I thought you might find this build interesting!Up in the Free Resources menu at the top, you will see a number of plans for building and playing cigar box guitars/ukuleles/banjos/dulcimers/violins. I encourage you to download any of the plans, take a look at them, and ask questions from there. Also our site is VERY searchable. I bet you your questions have already been asked, so take a few moments and look around.
Join our Chat sometime (see the bar at the bottom of your browser page). Keep in mind that tho the chat window says there are X number of people online, not all may have the chat window up.
Most of all, have fun!
Side note: Nice looking guitars and instruments!