One stringer

I am thinking about for my next build doing a one string using the low E string, or maybe a two stringer with bass strings. Can a E be used to give a low end like a bass when playing with an ensemble or should I really look at using the larger bass strings? Also, I know lots of tension is produced when tuning a bass, if I didn't want (know how) to truss the neck, will 2 strings bee too much for, say, red oak?


Also, any idea on scale length?


Lots of questions, just don't want to go to the trouble of finally making a scarf joint only to cry about it later.



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  • You may as well use the G bass guitar string. It's a bit heavier than the low-E guitar string, and may require a bit stronger (bass) tuner. Scale between 20 and 24 inch seems to be OK.
  • Low E will sound fine. Check out the pics and a vid on my profile. I don't know anything about bass strings.

    I used a 24.5 inch scale length for my bows and that might be a little long even for my arms. Somewhere in the 20 to 24 inch range would probably be better.
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