Newby builder ???'s

Love the site and LOVE the sounds produced by the cbg's.  First time I heard them on here, it made my hair stand up!!!  I wanna do old school as much as possible, on my first build.  So, what about coat hanger wire for the frets?  Anyone have any experience with that??  Also, what is the standard clearance between strings and frets; both along the neck and down on the body of the guitar?  One more question and I'll back out; Is the fret scale measured from the bridge to the nut to accomplish the 24.5" measurement?  As you can probably tell, I'm not very musically inclined!!  Thanks in advance for any advice or replies.



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  • Coat hanger wire has been done before, so it must work right.  Go for it and show us the results.
  • i just built my first 3 string cbg and used toothpicks for frets. didnt make any cuts on the fingerboard just glued them on. if you plan on playn slide you might want your strings a little higher than most regular guitars, other than that high or low string action is usually a personal preferance. from nut to bridge 24 3/4" is the standard for gibson and 25.5" is standard for most fenders. this will make a differance on fret spacing. my cbg is not perfect but sounds pretty good and is fun to play, wich is important if its not fun whats the point


  • Interesting idea using coat hanger wire...I wonder if it has strength enough to stay straight or will it bend? I say try it and see, you might be on to something...Good Luck...Mike
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