Stomp box again

So I made this stomp box.I used hard wood on the edges and ply for the top and bottom. I wired two small speakers to the bottom with a 1/4 inch jack out the back. It sounded awful. I packed with bubble wrap.then a old t- shirt,then a mix of things it sounded awful. I placed it on the shelf and gave it a good rest. Today I went to Lowes to buy some maple to make a uke.They no longer stock maple(sucks0. Any how I found these hard rubber stoppers. The light bulb lit up.I bought two and came home. I cut out a foot pedal.I drilled a hole and fitted the rubber stopper in the hole. I mounted the pedal on the box. At last I have the bass I wanted. It even works on my GT-5 Peavy amp ( 9 volts).

Thank You


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