Ok fellow kiwis, serious now
How about we get together and have a bot of a jam / gig / festival celebrating the cigar box guitar...?
Yes I know its easy to say but how cool would it be to get together as a group and just kick it off.
I really want to do this, dont matter how we sound, its the spirit of it that counts.
Considering early 2013, who's in...?
Yep Keen -keep us posted and will make the trip, (in the north Island I hope).
Trying to get Justin Johson out here in feb for tourand workshops
You can email me direct if still interested in get together
definately Interested
Comment by Dominic Firkin yesterdayDelete Comment
OK just dropped in and joined and starting build. Now where would this gig be??
Still on for this New Zealand, who is keen to showcase CBG's in NZ next year...????
Where's this going to be held?
Kia Ora dudes
Ok, this is picking up some momentum. I have a venue sorted for this, reckon we could do a gig plus exhibit our gear, anything to promote the CBG movement. This wont happen till the new year so lets have a show of hands to see who is keen?
Nice one mate, so if we can get everyone else on board then we are away. Cheers dude
Yeeee yaaaa
Wonda in when you were gunna mention that
Count me in
Shit better start gettin my skill level up eh?
Well done Bro