
  • I'd also like to try this (go to the bottom of the page):

    I like the eye bolt designs, however, they give a more balanced look so the headstock doesn't look naked.

    Vince Stark said:
  • You could put 'em on either end...

    Vince Stark said:
  • I thought I'd post my ideas here and see if anyone can use them or think of improvements. I know there's got to be a way to have good, reliable tuners without using pre-fab machine tuners. Plan A: Locking nuts are jammed by the square nuts so they don't spin during tuning. Nuts are embedded into the wood or joined by welding or JB Weld if you want to use the plastic type locking nuts. Plan B: Three (I don't think all six would have to be locking nuts) center tap all steel nuts are welded to long narrow bolts so the locking nuts don't spin.

  • Cohosh - Didn't see your post before I posted mine. I guess great minds think alike. Your guitar looks great!
  • Here's my take on the eye bolt tuner. I've got another easier idea, but we'll see if I get around to trying it out. If you're lucky, like two out of three for me, the wing nuts only lock the bolt instead of holding the tension.

  • A good vise.... You wouldn't believe how many time I've thought to myself how handy one of those would be....

    I'm working under pretty primitive conditions--my vise is my thumb pressing whatever it is against my saw table. Probably not shop-teacher approved.

    I'll have to watch the garage sales this summer....

    Wichita Sam said:
    I've drilled out tuner posts to larger sizes and have drilled new holes in smaller bolts. A good tap with a center punch is usually all that's needed... that and a good vise...

    the best,


    BT Cohosh said:
    I'm actually using thumbscrews -- I can't remember what gauge, but considerably smaller than the 1/4 inch eyebolts. I'm a little worried about getting the string holes drilled in the thinner shafts, so I may have to come up with an alternative for securing the strings.
  • I've drilled out tuner posts to larger sizes and have drilled new holes in smaller bolts. A good tap with a center punch is usually all that's needed... that and a good vise...

    the best,


    BT Cohosh said:
    I'm actually using thumbscrews -- I can't remember what gauge, but considerably smaller than the 1/4 inch eyebolts. I'm a little worried about getting the string holes drilled in the thinner shafts, so I may have to come up with an alternative for securing the strings.
  • Your headstock looks cool ,I thank you for your idea, I will have to try this out!
    BT Cohosh said:
    Hey Steve--

    My last project was a 3 string made with eyebolt tuners. I didn't think it was gonna work, but it did. It's a little bit of a pain to get into tune, but once you do it stays there.

    I started with a modified slotted headstock--I drilled big holes for the strings to attach to the tuners. Here's a pic:

    On the eye side of the bolt I've just put a plain old fender washer. On the other, a fender washer and a wingnut. I originally had a lock-washer between the wingnut and the fender washer, but that caused a lot of hassle when I needed to make adjustments, so I just took it out. Seems to work fine without.

    I drilled holes in the shaft of the bolt to stick the string through. I found it helped to flatten the spot off with my dremel so the drill bit wouldn't deflect off to the side.

    What I've done is crank the wingnuts down so that the string tension doesn't wind them backwards, but so that I can still (barely) make adjustments myself.
  • I'm actually using thumbscrews -- I can't remember what gauge, but considerably smaller than the 1/4 inch eyebolts. I'm a little worried about getting the string holes drilled in the thinner shafts, so I may have to come up with an alternative for securing the strings.
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