Hey everybody! Just found this site, not sure why I haven't seen it before
My names Tate and I've been building different types of instruments for about 4 now.
All started when I saw somebody with a few cigar box guitars at a little art fest... jump forward 4 or 5 years now I build some pretty nice instruments! Very detail oriented in all the work I do (work as a 3d modeler, graphic artist) so naturally the instruments have been getting more detailed as I learn more tricks...and buy more tools!
But that just adds to the good feeling you get when one is finally all put together and making some nice sound
A few links to my mess of wood and strings
sterainstruments.com is the main site (I'm working on it)
etsy.com/shop/sterainstruments is where I sell them
facebook.com/pages/Stera-Instruments/222975804388876 is where I put up ones I'm working on and other stuff