hi there. new guy from Netherlands

hi all. I am Pascal. 40 year old and i come from the Netherlands. i am married, two kids and have no knowledge whatsoever about building/playing a CBG. expect alot of newbee questions :)

Always wanted to play guitar, but limitation of movement in my hands/finger prevend me from playing a 6 string. now i am going to try it with 3 less, must be 3 times as easy than aint it? (probably way off here with my logic)

i'll keep on searchingthe site trying to find answers and ask questions where needed.


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  • Hi,if you don't mind  ga ik even over op nederlands, , ik ben ook net geariveerd hier, still overwhelmed.

    very creative and inspiring site lots of ideas and more.


  • Welcome! We're all a little nutty here. And you should check out diddley bows. One string don't get much less intimidating than that. Very xspressive as well!
  • Maybe try a slide guitar with the 3 string. If you can hold the bar, then you've got one hand taken care of. Then just strum with the other hand. Then the open tuning will take care of the sounding good part...Welcome to the Nation...

  • welcome Pascal, i 'm sure you find something you can play/make a noise here



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