Hello to the group

   My name is John and I am from deep East Texas. I have not built anything yet and to be truthful until a couple of days ago I had never heard of a cigar box guitar. I stumbled on a you-tube submission by Red Dog while looking at hog dog clips (hog hunting dogs). It has a cabin in the background with some of the most gut grabbing music I have ever heard. It caused me to physically react, causing the hair on my neck and arms to stand up and gave me chills. I am presently reading posts on this site and looking for the materials to build this exciting guitar. Can't play a thing on any instrument but I will build and learn to play my guitar. At my late age my wife thinks I have walked off the deep end. Thank you all for allowing me to join this forum. I hope at a later date to be able to add to the group in a helpful way.       John

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  • Hi John - It seems that your reaction to the CBG sound is very typical. It's amazing.
  • Hi John. Wait until your wife hears you play that CBG all day she's gonna wonder where the new kid came from LOL.
  • Oh man, it's all good...when you get one dirty-sweet sounding slide note with some deep reverb --- you'll be hooked!
  • Welcome to the addiction John! There is no end to the kinds of music that can be played on one of these things, they are truly amazing. Don't over-think your build (which will be only the first of many, trust me), get it done and start making joyous noise. And I wouldn't worry about what the wife thinks...mine knows I've been off the deep end for a looooong time...and keep coming up for air so I can dive in again!
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