Greetings from Manchester, Great Britain

Hello all!

I was inspired to make my first CBG after seeing a cake pan ukulele on Boing Boing in May of this year. It probably won't come as much of a surprise that I am now hooked! Currently on build number 5...

I've been playing guitar for 14 years, on and off, and rediscovered my love of playing after buying a 5 string banjo 2 years ago, CBGs seem to be the next step for me (6 strings just seems far too many nowadays!)

Here's a picture of my most recent build - I'm *almost* happy with this one, and hopefully will continue ironing out the silly mistakes as I go along. However I can't express how satisfying it is to have built a playable instrument from scratch!

Anyways - I've already had a great deal of guidance and expertise from this site, even before joining. Here's to much more, and hopefully I'll be able to share some of my own one day!




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  • great looking CBG.  Love the smaller accent sound holes around the larger ones.  Nice!   I've built a stomp box and recently finished my first CBG.  Working on the second, slowly.  waiting for cooler weather. August in New Orleans is not pleasant for working outside.     Good luck with your next build!!   Donna

    • Thanks for the comment Donna. The soundholes weren't originally part of the plan, I put them there to cover up a pretty messy sawing accident on the box lid! We've had a hotter than average summer here - it's usually impossible to work outside on account of all the rain...

      Next build is now finished, there are a few more pics on my page.


  • Welcome to group therapy for your new addiction. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of chances to iron thIngs out.
  • Very nice looking box Rick

  • Welcome to the fold!   Looks like you're well on your wa!  Good lookin' git there Rich!

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