I started building cigar box guitars just a few months ago after starting with one made out of a chocolate tin. Now I'm addicted having found a local tobbacconist that is only too happy to give me the cigar boxes they used to throw away. 
My most recent cbg is a 3/4 size with an oak neck I call 'the acorn' it looks great, only problem is, tuning is more sensitive the smaller you go. I'm currently working on two mahogany necked guitars for my brothers for Christmas (the mahogoany came from an old RAF bar top) Then I plan to make another full sized one for myself with the remaining oak.

I took my main cbg to the youth group I volunteer at the other day. After a few perplexed looks I got quite a few interested, I'm thinking of building some diddley bows with them. 

Thanks for welcoming me. :)

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  • I've been in L.A too long! Gotta get back to my hometown...

    Chris Tinker said:
    Thanks, for the advice Eric . So far they've been really nice, they're really happy that the boxes are of some use to someone. They asked me to bring some of my cbg's in, and the owner even said he'd been talking to a friend who owns a guitar shop and said I should try to sell them through him... all as he handed over some more boxes.... nice folk round here...

    Eric Townsend said:
    addicting isn't it?
    Make sure to act like you're using the boxes to hold screws and junk --- otherwise they'll wise up and start charging... I got a few nice boxes from a place and went back for some more -- and they asked for five or more bucks a pop for crappy ones. ET
  • Thanks, for the advice Eric . So far they've been really nice, they're really happy that the boxes are of some use to someone. They asked me to bring some of my cbg's in, and the owner even said he'd been talking to a friend who owns a guitar shop and said I should try to sell them through him... all as he handed over some more boxes.... nice folk round here...

    Roy.... thanks, the smoking kills one is the 3/4 size....all the cigar boxes here in the uk come with some warning or another... I've started leaving them on as I think they add something....

    Eric Townsend said:
    addicting isn't it?Make sure to act like you're using the boxes to hold screws and junk --- otherwise they'll wise up and start charging... I got a few nice boxes from a place and went back for some more -- and they asked for five or more bucks a pop for crappy ones. ET
  • Welcome Chris - I'm a relative newbie too, working on my 3rd, 4th & 5th builds - one of which is a two string fiddle. I especially like your build that has the "smoking kills" sticker. My 1st two are 25.5 scale & fretless - thinking of using either matchsticks or toothpicks for frets on my new ones. (kinda starts to defeat the purpose for me if I have to spend alot of money on fretting tools). I am enjoying the zen nature of woeking w/the wood. Have fun with it. Roy A
  • Welcome,

    addicting isn't it?

    Make sure to act like you're using the boxes to hold screws and junk --- otherwise they'll wise up and start charging... I got a few nice boxes from a place and went back for some more -- and they asked for five or more bucks a pop for crappy ones. ET
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