making my first dulcimer/strumstick/ kind of thing,


i've made about 20 or so cbg style guitar's but not with a cigar box, they're too expensive here in England, i've used fishing box's/wine box's/35mm slide box's etc etc, heard some dulcimer's on youtube and i really like the sound of them so i've decided to make a dulcimer kind of thing, i'm just gathering the part's at the moment, i'm using two broken barometer's for the body, the green part is onyx,

i want to make a 4-string but i need to know how far apart the two high string's are from each other, there'll be a few more question's i'm sure but one thing at a time,


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  • 10248665891?profile=RESIZE_710x


    ended up using an old beat up 6 string neck i had in the garage which i cut down, re-shaped the headstock a bit too,
  • finished it, 

    here's a few pic's,

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