I have a 3 stringer that I am having trouble with. I keep breaking the 2 smaller strings but mostly the smallest. It is 24 inches from nut to bridge. Which 3 strings am I supposed to be using? The diameter? Wound or not wound? I am trying to tune G-D-G. If I go higher than A-E-A, PING!!...This is my first build. Thanks.
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If you're using the 3-4-5 from a standard 6-string set, then ADG means you only need to tune the A one whole note down to achieve your objective.
If you're using light strings, and you're trying to get to GDG, but as you say, "If I go higher than AEA, PING!!"...you do realize that you've over tensioned them, yes?
A is above G on most scales (unless you're saying that your AEA tuning is an octave lower than concert pitch, in which case check for burrs and nicks in your nut and string guides, as others have suggested), so try tuning them directly to GDG, or tune them down from AEA to GDG. Any higher than one whole note above stated note value at concert tension and pitch, and all strings have a tendency to break, but especially the last two. Yes, nicks on nuts and string guides can make this problem worse, so checking for these is inevitable.
Thanks for the reply, Oily. To be honest, I don't completely understand octaves, scales, pitch, etc. All I know is that I tune each string until the letter that I want shows up on the Snark. I did change out the nut and bridge and that seems to have solved the problem. I do use the 3-4-5 strings but it seems that GDG is a little high for my voice. On a regular guitar I start out many songs in D. But when I try to tune down it seems that the 5 string is too loose. Thanks again for the reply.
Never mind it being your first build, that's a great looking instrument. Hope you get the string problem sorted and then you can be as proud as you deserve to be.
I agree. Nice build you have
Thanks. It sure was fun. I'll try another as soon as the heat in my 'shop' goes down.
Thanks, Denis. Those are nice words to hear. I'm going to post some close-up pics in 'Building Basics Discussion' to see if someone can help me out with the string problem. Thanks again.
Check the string slots. They should be U shaped at the bottom, not V shaped. The 5,4,3 strings should be fine for GDg tuning and the 6,5,4 should be fine for DAd tuning.
Thanks. That's good info there. At first I was using 3/8" set screws. Even after I filed a groove in the neck to accept the set screw the strings were way to high. So I cut groves in the set screws with a Dremel cut-off blade. That made the bottom of the slot to be flat and resulted in the strings moving back and forth sideways. BUZZ!!! So I changed to 1/4" set screws and that was too low. Buzz!!! Now I have a 1/4" set screw for the nut and a 5/16" set screw for the bridge, a lot better, but I might have to file down a couple of the frets closest to the bridge.
Thanks for the reply. I can use all of the help that I can get.