I want to build a 6 string CBG

I have a 3 and 4 string CBG and I really want to play a 6 string.  I can't afford to buy one, so I want to make one.  Problem is I have a nice box that I feel will work great, but I can't find plans with dimensions for the neck width and length.  I know some people buy a broken guitar for cheap and use that neck.  I would rather build the neck myself.  Does anyone have 6 string plans?


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  • Hi Tony,

    So far I have "built" only 6 string guitars because that is what I could play. I have used recycled strat necks and been pleased with the results. What tuning do you use on the 4 string CBG? I recently got a uke project and use classical strings tuned to DGBE (using 2 string sizes thicker because of the smaller scale length so strings EADG tuned to DGBE) and find it sounds good for the small size - granted some chords are not as rich as on the 6 string but I think it sounds OK and is so much easier to play.

    I think it is great you want to build your own but if cost is an issue unless you have a good supply of timber and tools it will cost more to make your own.

    Good luck,

    Tony Esposito said:
    Thanks to everyone for the feedback and Wes it's great to hear from you. The reason I want to make a 6 string is because I play a full size steel 6 string now and I play by chords. I haven't had any luck learning to play my 3 or 4 string CBG's The 4 string "Wes" built is fretted and the 3 sting "My" built isn't. I've tried playing the 4 with chords and it doesn't sound too hot. I tried playing both of them with the slide and that's worse. I find it much more difficult to teach oneself to play CBG than it is to play regular acoustic guitar. I've watched all the free videos and I still don't get the hang of it. With the 6 string I hope to be able to play it like a normal guitar. I have a very nice 6 string classical guitar that I hardly play. I may take it apart to build the 6 string CBG or find someone that wants to trade a classical guitar for a 6 string CBG.
  • Thanks to everyone for the feedback and Wes it's great to hear from you. The reason I want to make a 6 string is because I play a full size steel 6 string now and I play by chords. I haven't had any luck learning to play my 3 or 4 string CBG's The 4 string "Wes" built is fretted and the 3 sting "My" built isn't. I've tried playing the 4 with chords and it doesn't sound too hot. I tried playing both of them with the slide and that's worse. I find it much more difficult to teach oneself to play CBG than it is to play regular acoustic guitar. I've watched all the free videos and I still don't get the hang of it. With the 6 string I hope to be able to play it like a normal guitar. I have a very nice 6 string classical guitar that I hardly play. I may take it apart to build the 6 string CBG or find someone that wants to trade a classical guitar for a 6 string CBG.
  • Welcome to the nation. I build mostly 6 strings myself and have found that bracing is a must on them or as Wes said making it a solid body inside the box. I like the bracing ( have tried both) take a look at my pictures it will show you one method of bracing. As far as necks go it should have a truss rod or a steel tubing in the middle under the fretboard ( helps resist the bowing effect from string tension). Though you could make a neck a store bought one if nice for a first build. I took my meserments off a guitar I had and went from there. Just build it super strong and have fun. P.S. Check out guitarfetish for good cheap necks. I have used the paddle necks that way I could cut my own headstock design out. Hope this helps some. Build a winner
  • If you don't want to buy a neck, do what I do: steal!
    No, seriously, I go into the local guitar store with a tape measure. They don't mind, as they usually sell me the strings and tuners. That way you can compare what dimentions the big guys use and see what fits your hands best.
  • Tony! I thought about you the other day! Nice to see you here on the Nation.

    So you are going to make a 6 string. Wonderful! Hey, I'm building one too and would be glad to show you what I have done. in brief, I used an electric guitar neck and am bolting it onto the 'body'. The body I'm making is done by filling the inside cavity with wood -- in my case layers of plywood cut and routed (its electric/mag pickups) but the best solution is to make the inside solid wood. I can post pics so you can see what I have done.

    one thing to consider is to angle the neck back a few degrees. That way your bridge will be able to sit up off the face and allow for any pickups to have clearance.

    Now if you are making an acoustic, you can also bolt the neck onto the box side with reinforcement. There are some here who have done that. Keep in mind it has to be very strong as there is more tension from the strings on a 6-string that on a 3 or 4. Solid body would give enough support but having an open cavity would be challenge.

    Either way, good luck. I will post pics soon.

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