Fretted slide Guitars

Looking for feedback on the feasibility of using frets on a guitar intended for slide.  I am building a Fuentes CBG and would like to use a slide on it, but would also like to be able to fret.  My intentions are to have a 24" scale on a poplar neck in a Casa Torano box, with a Cocobolo fret board.  If this is feasible, how much clearance should I allow for the strings at the nut and over the box?  I am new to building, and have not learned to play yet, having completed a fretted 3-string with a poplar neck and Brazilian Cherry  (Jatoba) fret board (Build #1) then a Fuentes slide 3-string coffee-can resonator (build # 2).

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  • "The sound holes in the back was a mistake"

    Think of it like this.  It was a "creative misstep". Now see how much better that sounds? Heck, some of my early "creative missteps" ended up being used in future builds.

    Like the look of that git. Good luck with your move.

  • Glenn's not a perfectionist - he just wants his instruments to sound as good as possible, no matter what style he's playing in.    That's also the approach I take, too.    Can't see why anyone would criticize that stance.  But if you're happy with the way you do things, Anonymous Pick,  go for it.   We all have different standards, and the only one that matters is our own. 

    That being said, for me, two pennies is too high.  But that's just my preference.


    • hi     nick  ,     try not  to   confuse   "criticizing  a  stance "  ,  with  defending  mine   . (after    it  being criticized.)

      you  may have to  jump  all over  this thred to  follow   it   but   i think  you   can   get  the  big picture   then.

      i also agree  ,  "  it is a matter   of preference  ". 

      and  (for the record )   im  talking   pennies laying flat on  the  fretboard  ,,  not  on top  of a fret  .

      (incase that was over looked )

  • Ah frig it.

    In tune is not a matter of opinion. It is or it is not. Yes, it might be Equal Temperament or Just Intonation or some kind of ethnic tuning, but it will be in tune according to a principle, not according to someone's opinion. And you think I build New Age gats? Why? Just like any other gat you can play anything on mine. I generally avoid putting up the usual G Bb C D stuff because I like to open people's ears to all the other possibilities. If you think that because something major and pretty and even jazzy was played on my gat then that means you couldn't play the usual blues stuff on it, you are mistaken. And a fool.

    There is an ugly element here on the Nation. Some old timey folks resent people who make lovely-looking instruments. They think they are the keepers of the flame, and gats should be rough-hewn, out of tune, gnarly. If the gat is too nice, too well-made, too in tune, too well-balanced in sound, it isn't legit to this small clique of Amish beard-shavers.

    I like them all. Rough or fine. Mine aren't particularly fine but I do like to explore different styles of stuff on them. I do honestly get sick of the same standard blues movements with the same over-bright distortion. But that's just me. All the best to all of you. Until you try to tell me that in tune is a matter of opinion, which offends my intellect, and my gats are New Age boxes, which offends my heart. Then I would just say something else.

    • lol, thought  you  didn't wanna  argue  skippy  ..

      i   didn't  say   your  guits were  new age   with a  box   on it ..  i   commented on  your  *** IDEA  OF**  A (perfectliy  tuned) newage  guit with  a box on  it     compared to a traditional    cbg ".

      were you    implying  i  built guits  out of tune  ?      should  i  be  offended  ?   lol, ( even  though  my current line does not even have frets  )  . lol. 

      you've offended yourself  by  not reading carefully,  .. and as far as your  intelect  ..  well   , that, and ..  your  jumping around   under  new  posts  here  , instead of replying to  the same  one   is eveidence   of that  .

      not to mention   , your self proclaimed   intelect    is  the  problem  here  ,,   overthinking   something simple and causing confusion  .

      funny  ..  the only person   putting  down other folks  here  and   commenting on an     "ugly  element"  ..  is  you  . (ironicly  while displaying  one  )  . 

      i like  pretty  guits  too  .. just as  barn board  builds  .

      i  answered a simple  question    with  a simple and easy  solution .  and my  2 penny from* fret BOARD"  is not far off  from the commonly  used    dime  between  *fret  and string  measurment.

      If  you  want to  call that    "wrong "     then  i  would   question  you  own  "intelect"   getting  in the way  of    practical logic.

      and ,if   you  just  want to    argue   and fight about it , .. or   attempt  a battle  of wits  with me ,   ...  i  would  work  on the  "intelect"    a bit more  first .

    • Thanx for all of the input guys.  Since I a total NuBee at this and can't play a lick ( I really get off on the creation of these) everything I read or hear is mana.  My first build, was a total acoustic success to the point where I had several guitarist wanting to buy it so... being retired, I needed the money to make more.  My challenge with this one was whenever I would attempt to play  (relax, I'm using that term very loosly) slide, the slide would tend to "knock" against the frets - especially the high G string (tuned open G).  I realize that it was probably my in-expertise, but just the same I'm trying to do another build (#3) and do everything I can to rectify that problem.   Right now, I'm in Colorado getting ready to move to Mexia. TX for the next several months and I'm having a rough time meeting other CBGrs to compare notes over coffee (make that beer, wine, bourbon, etc.) So this forum is all I have.  Thanx to all of you   

      Here is my first build.  The sound holes in the back was a mistake.  The box was upside down when I drilled & I didn't catch it.  Turns out though, the sound was great.

      CBG Build #1A.JPG

      CBG Build #1B.JPG

  • oh jeez...I give up.

    • good  ;-)

        lol , ..  and ,  ( in case you didnt notice ) .. i said  "from "fret  *board"  to   string  ..  not from  top  of  " fret"   to string .

      (incase that's what you were thinking )

      but  either way  ..   we have both stated  our opinions . 



  • I almost bought a Model T but it ran straight. I was looking for an authentic one that pulled to the left.

    • then  i  think  you see my  point  .


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