I have three swisher sweets boxes and each one is about 4 1/2 inches wide 5 inches long and three inches deep. I think they would make some pretty nice mini amps or speakers but I am wondering if there is an instrument that a box that size could be used for. What would be a good project other than amps and speakers that could use a box of such a small size?

Photo on 2011-12-17 at 16.02.jpg

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  • Those deep box's can make a surprisingly good sounding CBG, don't rule them out because of the smaller face dimension.  I like bigger face size because it looks better and is easier for me to hold and play though. I would make a 3 string out of the one you mentioned.

  • I thought they might make nice strum sticks. if they work or not it would be good practice and i could always salvage the parts if it don't work.

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