Ookook Ukes?

Hey all, I just wanted to know if anyone knows anything about ookook ukuleles such as quality and price range. did a google search but didn't come up with much that was actually helpful, such as where to buy and absolute price. (Most sites simply give price range, at least for me it seems that way)

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  • Thanks for that info Oily! Yeah I love the nice look of quilted maple, just wanted to be sure, cause you can have nice looking wood and bad sound!
  • George,


    Quilted maple is a gorgeous wood! Maple typically is classified as a "bright" tonewood (emphasis on higher frequency sounds). As long as the top is thin (which it probably is; a lot of quilted maple is used as a veneer on standard custom guitars), it should sound great.


    Here's some quilted maple tops and backs from various guitar sites and Wikipedia:


    Quilted-maple back-wood.jpgBACCHUS.jpg41GioteEPGL._SL500_AA300_.jpg


    A quilted maple topped uke should sound bright and clear, and be just fine. Went to the OokOok website; he's building these out of some very nice tonewoods. I don't see how you could go wrong with one of these, IMHO.

  • Oh and one more thing. In their catalogue(http://ukulelehunt.com/buy-ukulele/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ookoo...) it says they are made of quilted maple. Anyone know what that is? Any good? It sure looks real nice but you never know with wood.
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