concert uke fret board.

So I built a concert scale uke using a template from circuitsandstrings. It worked out ok but for some reason I need to move all the chord forms 1 fret up from where they would be on a smaller uke. The only exception is the G major chord. It sounds good when played this way but I am wondering what I did wrong? Any thoughts?

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  • Wait, what? I would like a video of this uke so I can see what you mean. If it still plays in tune, it sounds like it's just a tuning I have never seen.  I gotta go look it up.

    • Yah, I'd also be interested to see what's really going on !

      ...maybe play it with a capo???

      Probably and alto/concert build size with a soprano, or even sopranino scale ?


      ...and I just noticed....  old thread...  shucks !

  • so in the final analyasis the uke plays great and the move up a fret gives my hand a little more room to work. I have decided to not question it too hard. I think I got a little off because of the template I used. I think I somehow added an extra fret. O well no harm done. The uke has a really pretty sound. I will try to post a video soon. Really fun to build and to play.

  • I used a template for an altoid uke from circuits and strings. I am using regular uke strings C D E A. and yeah, it does play just fine if I move the chords up one fret. I also find that I need to move the G chord down one fret on the store bought uke my kid plays on. It is funny. Anyway it plays sweet and was fun to build I am just sure something is amiss here and I do not want to have it happen again on the next one.

    • Just realized you wrote the uke strings are CDEA. Curious, since it should be GCEA. Maybe this is the reason you're having trouble?

  • Matt,

    Smaller uke = different scale length. Concert uke = different scale length. When you move up a fret, are the notes at least in tune? What tuning are you using? What strings?
  • It sounds to me like the scale length does not match the fret spacing that you have. What is the scale length?
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