
  • Dare I say it? Yes, I dare to. That is bad to the bone..............groans..... are heard from the multitude. Bridge placement is the best to me, best concentration of string energy. Never liked soundboard placement, too many problems. Also, anyone ever notice all piezo pickup systems used by the big boys all use bridge placement. There is a reason. Don
    Randy S. Bretz said:
    I really never used mag style pickups and always stuck a piezo element in the box. But I had an idea to try sticking a piezo element buried in a bone bridge. The prototype I did I put a spot of hot glue against the chambered out bone stuck the wired element against it and waited till it was bonded then filled the rest of the chamber with hot glue. When I installed the bridge on an old build and slotted the saddle and plugged it in my amp-Wow the sound was great, with no feedback at all even with the gain turned all the way up. So I guess you could call these bridges one step up from sticking a piezo in the box and one step down from a mag style pup. Also they look great- " the tone is in the bone".

  • Great Idea n looks Great!
  • AWESOME LOOKING PIECE ( like all your work ) Randy !!!..... Arnie
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