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Why have a switch?

Up to now I've done all my own soldering etc but recently I've been looking on-line at pre-wired harnesses.   Almost all of them include a toggle switch.   Why would you need one with just one volume and one tone pot?   Do they serve a useful purpose?

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  • Couple of ways to have a no-toggle-switch guitar. But all root to how the pickups were made. One should be north and the other, south. Both can be wounded the same direction. The positive becomes the ground and the negative becomes the hot of one pickup that connects to the second pickup's negative and then it passes out the positive and connected to the output jack or through volume and tone pots and then out the output jack.

  • I’m sure it’s meant for more than one pickup, is it not? Something to remember, a picture is worth a thousand words?

    • Thanks Brian.   Why didn't I think of that!!

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