Single string humbucker

After the recent chat about sewing machine bobbins being a cheap and quick thing to wind a pickup coil on, I had a thought about wiring a few up together for multi string instruments.  THEN, I thought, if you're wiring them together, why not make them in pairs RWRP to be humbucking?

So I did.

2 Sewing machine bobbins, 2 alnico rod magnets, AWG42 plain enamel wire, a bit of fibreboard and some circuit board.

It works really well, was very quick to build, sounds sweet, and is humbucker-quiet.  You could run it along a single string on a diddley-bow, or mount it on an angle to put the poles under 2 strings of whatever spacing you like.

The specs of each coil are the same as the single bobbin I posted before - 8,500 turns, for about 2K2 ohms DC resistance.  The bobins are completely full at that turn count, so there's no reason you would need a counter at all really - just wind them till they're full like Gibson used to.

Anyone else done something similar?



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  • ellwood, i don't have any step-by-step pics, but on my page there's a pic of one of the unwound bobbins, and one wound by itself.  to build the humbucker, i just made a bottom plate with 2 holes for the magnets to sit in, and the same for the top.  the coils are fairly squat, so the magnets extend above and below coil enough to mount in a plate.

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