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Need help Wiring up this project

Hey folks.

I'm ok with simple wiring, but I've gotten myself into a wiring project I'm having trouble figuring out.

I have 3 single coil pups from a cheap strat copy, the 5 way that originally came with the harness is dead. I have 3 - 2 way "on/off" toggles that I want to use in it's place, to activate each coil independently.

The wiring is going then to a pair of 500k pots, for volume & tone, then out to the jack.

Sounds simple enough, yet I'm stumped... Here is the basic plan.

Can anyone help complete the diagram for me?

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  • Howdy,
    I have a few suggestions.
    I haven't looked at the links suggested by others, but based on my fairly extensive experience with pickups and wiring.....
    1. Your old 5-way might be salvageable. Just clean the wafers with compressed air first, then try some WD-40, wipe clean and let dry. Sometimes, dirt, grit or a piece of metal can get down there and short contacts.

    2. If you're dead-set on the diagram you posted--ditch thise toggles. They're big and clunky.
    Get either some small SPDT or DPDT mini toggles. You will only use one side of the DPDT switches, but you'll have them if you ever come up with a crazy item you want to add to the circuit later.
    The main benefit to using these toggles over the 5-way is that you can activate all 3 pickups at once.
    You can also get into some crazy wiring schemes if you go with the DPDT switches--like in phase, out of phase, etc.
    If you want to do some cool stuff like that--drop me a nessage, so I'll see it quicker.

    3. Why are you going with 500K pots? 250K is typical for single coils, as you'll have treble bleed with the 500K pots.
  • the seymour duncan link runs the pickups in parallel, like a strat does - you will likely get less output the more pickups you turn on.

    as an alternative, this schematic...

    runs the pickups in series - output will increase with more pickups turned on.  it does use double pole switches though.

  • That's perfect... thank you

  • This link will show you one possible way.

    The switches are normally on/on type switches so when off that bit of the circuit is grounded.

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