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momentary switch for guitar kill

came across a momentary switch that is able to momentarily kill the guitar when pushed and immediatly un-kill when let go. Anyone have experience wiring one of these? It has three poles. I would guess it is wired like a simple two-way toggle somewhere in the circuit between the pick-ups and the output jack. Could make for some interesting and cheap effects.

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  • +1 to david.  the 'standard' way is to earth out the signal by running the wires from the momentary-on switch to either side of the output jack.

    this can still cause a popping sound when switching, which might be cured by putting a large (10M?) leak resister across the lugs of the switch.


  • I put two into my last build (it had the option for 2 separate outputs)- momentary switches come as a push to make (the circuit) or push to break (the circuit).  I first used a push to break and used it to break the hot wire and it sounded awful with lots of noise.  I then did a quick google search (I should have done that first I guess) and found it best to use a push to make and wire it between the live and earth so the whole signal is grounded to give a good kill effect.

     This was the site I found that explained it well

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