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Help with amplifying resonator cbg

I'm building my first cbg and could sure use some help.  I'm using an old brass clock face as a resonator cone (see photo).  I've made a biscuit bridge and I want to use a disc piezo.  Is it possible to screw the disc to the bottom of the biscuit? Could you recommend a source for a disc piezo that works best for a "resophonic" cbg?  Thanks!

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  • Another option I just discovered:

    Gitty says:  "These are especially good for building into biscuit bridges for resonator cones, as the centerered lead can easily go down through the hole in the top of the cone!"

    center lead rod piezo

  • Hey James - Nice work!! I just finished something similar and used 2 disc piezos, one embedded in caulking between the neck and the box face wired in parallel with the other, foam double sided tape to the centre of the pan. I don't like the sound - very "screamy" - I'm going to try a rod piezo in the bridge, singly and then in parallel to see the difference.

    I'll get back to you!!!!

    • Hey James - this is just my experience - may help you, may not - I took the disc off the pan and tried it with a piece of 1/8" plywood foam taped in between the pan and the disc, it was somewhat better but not much. I didn't want to start putting too much crap there so as to take away the acoustic qualities. I then put a rod piezo mounted in a hardwood bridge topped with an 1/8"metal rod and then wired in parallel with the disc in the neck and it is much more mellow. I will probably stick with this setup.
      Good luck.

    • Jawbone, got any photos?

    • Hey James - I don't have any sound samples (not sure how to do that) but it sounds "banjo-ish" if that helps - a very different sound from the others I've made.306114522?profile=original


    • Thanks Jawbone, I'd love to hear it if you have a sound test?  I talked to a sound technician who said a disc piezo would work better if mounted firmly to the wood surface of the biscuit instead of the metal surface of the cone.  I'll keep you posted.


  • You do know that a disc piezo can be drilled through the middle and still work

    • Randy, yes I was planning to use a screw to attach it to the bottom side of this biscuit:


      biscuit bottom.jpg

  • 306115123?profile=original

    Not sure if this will help, but copied it a few days ago.

    reso pickup mount on cone.jpg

    • Phil, thanks for the information.  I'm still researching but I'll let you know what I find out.  I might have to do some experimenting!

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