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Creackle from Volume and Tone pots


I've just wired up my first guitar following wiring diagrams on the net.   Mini humbucker, tone and volume pots and jack.

Plugged it in and it all works well except the two pots crackle when I turn the knob.   It's O.K. when I'm playing but while I'm adjusting tone or volume it crackles.   I can live with it but obviously I've got something wrong.  I don't thinks it's a faulty pot as they both have the same problem.   My knowledge of electronics is minimal and I only know what I've got off the internet

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated



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  • Thanks for those suggestions.  I'll try the spray but I think Don's comment re price and quality is right.   Next one I'll go upmarket.


    • When you spray inside the pot, work the knob vigorously to help seat the sweep arm into the resistance material( whether it be wire wound or carbon material) the crackle is produced by the slightest uneven surface. Dirt usually from unclean assembly area is the main culprit. When you spray be careful it can ruin paint jobs, if you can take them out you should!

  • This seems to be a fairly common problem with the cheap Chinese pots most of us (and I'm assuming you as well)  buy online. Spraying as David L. suggests will probably fix this but if it bothers you maybe it's worth spending a bit more for quality pots on future builds.

  • The track the wiper moves over to give the variable resistance in a pot can get oxidised and dust on it.  This could be the cause of the crackes on turning the pot knobs.  You can buy an electronic contact cleaner to remove this - it comes as an aerosol (mine had a small tube for better aim) and you squirt a bit in the gap between the shaft and the bit that rotates.  Have a look online for your local version.  One aerosol lasts years.

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