I bought an old AMP (240 V -A/C---- Australia.). I measured the output from the transformer and this was 15 V. THe old speaker is 8 inch and 8 ohm. I want to put it in a new smaller box . (with better acoustics) with a 4 inch or smaller speaker. I have calculater the output at 30 watts. Is this correct and would I buy any speaker which was 8 ohm and 30 watt. If not what should I use
I hope this post has the photo
It's a transistor amp. So you can safely use any of the speakers you have. However it will probably sound best with a speaker closest to 8 ohm. Just try them all, they will all sound different and some may sound louder than others. Btw. this amp's output is not more than 10 watts (by the looks of it). Probably around 5!
Thank you
Thanks to Professor google !!!!
Can you post a picture of the amp inside?
Yes I will post a picture. Can I replace that 8 ohm speaker with a speaker either 4 or 8 inch which the ohms are unknown. The speakers were from a large sterio unit. All the information on the boxes was maximum 30 watts
The old sterio speakers I have are 1 x 6 inch- 4 ohm, 2 x 4 inch- 7.3 ohm, 2 x 8 inch- 6.7 ohm, 2 x 2.5 inch- 7.2ohm.can I use any of these to replace the old 8 inch 8 ohm speaker. the photos are of the guts of the amp
You can measure the resistance of the speaker with a digital multimeter. It's never exactly 4, 8 or 16 ohms, but you can round it off to the nearest of the 3. A transistor amp will not mind so much what the speaker impedance (ohmage) is. A tube amp however can be destroyed with a wrong impedance speaker!
A 4 inch speaker will work, but i think a bigger speaker would sound much better! And if it's a tube amp i would go for a higher wattage speaker.
I am a novice at all this, what is a tube amp