after i blew up a very small pcb from an old early 80's karoake , i was feelin pretty weepy (see other thread) . so to make myself feel a lil better i slapped this new one together , learning a few things in the process .





power , output volume , input gain , echo volume , and echo time . the stuff that has built in echo usually has a very short delay time . what i do is first locate the echo chip on the board then have someone tap the mic rhythmically with the echo cranked . i lick my finger and poke at the resistors that are near the echo chip . when you find the timing resistor , the echo speeds up . you remove that resistor and cut in a higher value pot . this gives you much longer delay times , sure the echo repeat sound quality diminishes a lil as you go longer and longer , but . totally worth it , for a longer delay . 300 milliseconds doesn't cut it for me .




XAM was E.J. Korvette's "pro audio" anyone remember that place , Korvette's ? i believe Roland actually manufactured some of the XAM stuff . this cab is built like a tank , it has this super cool retro speaker , a tweeter and a hi cut pot on the back .




she runs off ac now , but i can add a battery pack / dc input jack later , for the woods .




i used pc cd rom audio cables to connect the external pots to the board . i am going to be using these cables from here out , they are shielded , come in sets of three and i think i have seen 4 as well . huge time saver . i have tons of em laying around from scrapping pc's as well . notice the christmas tree light green wire for the power switch , nothing escapes reuse in my house .




file this next one under "i cant believe i didnt think of this years ago" . i left the existing pots in place , another huge time saver . you just turn em all the way up .




i used PLUMBERS TAPE to fab a couple little brackets to mount "the motherboard" , are you detecting a theme here ? and they said "water and electricity DON'T mix" ha !





that little XAM fellow really ties the whole thing together . i used an old slider pot for the echo time . i love using those for delay , pain to cut the slot and avoid breaking the tiny gap between it and the mounting screw hole , but . this amp barely breaks up when its dimed , the clean tone is really very nice , we tried it with a mic , and it makes a nice "p.a." as well .  i really dig the idea of built in fx , specially delay . now i have the lil box with te speaker and grille from the circuit i blew up just waiting . i am thinking i may just cheat and rehouse a dano hodad in there , if i can get one for 30 , and free shipping , but even that would kill me . that will bring me up to 5 battery powered homemade amps , including the bass amp i made for my wife . i thin i may retire for a while , from building amps that is . i really want to do a bass , a canjo , a didly bow , a few more cbg's , a resonator , , , 






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