solid state guitar amps

i found this link to a book , looks interesting :


its a 31 meg pdf , if you hate adobe like  i do delete that bloated nagware that constantly needs to update , get this and be done with it  :





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  • Craig you are so right on using what ever tools please us. SS vs. tube? They both have their pros and cons, and depends on what you are looking for in amp. Not to mention finally getting that sound one is always looking for no matter how long it takes.

    But I too am guilty, as much as I like older tech, especially for being a "young buck" so to speak. The new tech is very comparable, and yet more fun to hack and mod. I have to say also, that SS is a lot easer to work on cause they don't hold a charge like tubes do.



  • I've been making photographs for over 30 years and there has been a similar debate over digital vs. film. For a long time I was a traditionalist, film, chemicals, darkrooms, light-sensitive paper the only "real" photography. Then, suddenly, I no longer had access to a darkroom facility. I bought a digital camera and photoshop, and realized I was still creating images, just using different tools. A real a-ha moment. And a bonus is I no longer use any of those toxic chemicals. The ecological impact of my art making has dropped to near zero!


    SS vs tube? You can argue the esoterica 'til the cows come home. Use whatever tools please you. What matters is the joy of creating. 

  •  i didnt have much time to read yesterday , but i had "heard" good things about the author/book . honestly i am just trying to learn a little , as far as the debate goes i think the author really has some excellent points in the forward , but...


    personally , if i think about it as a concept , SS wins hands down . the idea of having elements that are sensitive to vibration , heat , humidity , then add the fact that they have a life span , and you have to pay to have a pro bias them , break them in . that whole idea isnt for me .


    i think as technology progress / time moves on all those debates are gonna end up a matter of personal taste . just like the whole multi-effector vs. pedals tirade . i have gotten some amazing tones , both ways , so i should immediately be written off as a moron for owning both ?


    then you have to consider the supposed trade off in tone , once again seems a non point to me , ever listen to adrian belew ? he uses s.s. , and quite a few effects . its pretty rare to hear anyones rig , ss or tube come close to what comes outta that guys speakers ! which leads me to a point , what an exiting time we live in , a guy like me who started out with the noisiest , nastiest tone sucking hissing humming first gen pedals (they werent cheap either) can really appreciate the advancements in music technology .  at the same turn of the screw i have the patience to read learn and tweak , which i think can be important .

  • Wow Petey this is really good!


    A friend of mine designed and built a tube amp from absolute scratch; it sounded like shit.  No amount of tweaking could save it.

  • Thanks for the Link. Yes, it does look interesting. Do you think it will help in the ongoing war of Which sounds better; Solid State vs Tube Amp debate that has been around since the introduction of Solid State Circuitry?

    I have heard SS Amps that have remarkable warmth and depth of tone and in my opinion are comparable to the older Tube Amps. Even audio engineers have a terrible grasp of the way solid state amps should be designed; especially with the conditions they are used. Most guitar amp circuits are dramatically under designed. Therefore the frequent failure rate under true working conditions.

    Audio amps and guitar amps require two different approaches in the design stage to adequately function properly without failing when needed the most. On Stage, under the adverse situations imaginable. Or a roadie throwing it in the van.

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