Little Gem MkII, bridge 386 amp.....12V???

Has anybody made the Little Gem MkII, the bridged version of the LG, that uses 2 386 amp chips??

My question is about the power, can I substitute a 12v supply (8AA) in place of the 9v on this model? for the regular LG, it says you can,  but make sure the 386 is rated for 12v, but for the bridged version there is no metion. Has anyone built this that could help me out?

thanks. Jason.


here is the link on runoff Groove for the Little Gem MKII.

scroll down.

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  • Just a quick note to say that if you apply more volatage than the original plans call for, then you won't be getting the same tone. Adding more voltage does allow for a little more volume, but it also raises the headroom before clipping, which means that you won't get as much nor the same flavor of distortion. This can be a good or a bad thing depending upon your needs. Also, this phenomenon works in reverse too: if you apply a lower voltage, you will get less volume, but MORE distortion, which can be a good or a bad thing as well.
  • i have read that those things will run off of 15 volts .keep in mind , the more the volts , the more the heat .


    i just did something like this with a dano hodad amp . it has a 9 volt clip , i installed 8 rechargable c size cells from a dustbuster . its awesome , i even put an output jack on the cells to run a pedal or 3 .


    what the speaker impedance ?

  • You'll be fine.  But even if you aren't and the whole thing blows up, you're only out a couple bucks in parts. :)


    If I had a couple LM386s on hand I'd build it.  Heck, I'd run out to radio shack if my car wasn't in the shop getting the transmission rebuilt.

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