Adjustable sound holes


The guitar sounded a bit odd on the base string so I made the sound holes adjustable. The sound holes can be adjusted to have varying openings including one sound hole open and one closed. The adjustment is made via the two screws next to the sound holes.



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  • So, is your conclusion that a box without sound holes produces better bass balance? My main instrument makes a really quiet, trebly sound played acoustically, so I usually plug it in. If blocking off the holes would improve the bass, it's an easy decision whether to do it.

    Calculating the volume of the body and area of the soundhole(s) could allow you to tune the body to emphasize the bass frequencies. Maybe I'll have a go at my No. 1 and see what the resonant frequency calculates to. Maybe I can just tweak the soundholes and get more bass....

    • I think you might be right busyhand, smaller holes or no sound holes for a smoother sound from top to bottom. I cut the sound holes in the guitar with looks in mind and didn't consider the sound quality. Stuff ups are the mother of invention.
  • I was expecting a spaghetti measuring device glued over the sound hole :0)

    Like the one attached - not sure a cheap plastic device would work - I will have to experiment with one of my guitars.

    Does it make a big difference to the sounds you get?

    David L.


    • Yeah it does make a difference, the guitar was sounding a bit tinny and off pitch at the base end when I first built it so I taped up the sound holes which help heaps. By taping up one sound hole and placing my hand on and off the other while plucking the base string I could really hear the difference.
  • Clever idea.  That's part of the fun with these things, being able to "think outside (inside too) the box".

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