Adjustable CBG bridge

I haven't seen this done before and thought you guys might be interested. I have been using these in my builds for a while now and they work quite well. The bridge can be adjusted in height to suite your frets or playing style. There are factory made adjustable bridges but this one is more in keeping with hand made, because it is hand made!

Below is a link on how to build.

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  • Really cool Jeff.  For anyone interested in getting the action really low, this is the only way to go without going too far.  I like the slotted screw tops.  Check out my compensated adjustable mando bridge on my latest mando.  Pretty simple to build as well, and a necessity for a mando.3517288741?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • This is great!  

    Makes me wanna skip work and go to the shed!!

  • How could everyone have missed this?

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