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  • i can play the theme from it aint alf hot mum? or possible im a lil teapot? lmao
  • Question: Can you play "Tea For Two" or "Tea in the Sahara With You" on that CBG?

    Nice build BTW.

  • lol it sounds pretty great for a recyke. very playable too. and yes i have thought about filling it with water and making tea. sorta poor n play. it may sound mad... mmmm more ideas. thanks ;)
  • Nice, how does it sound?


  • 305733992?profile=original305735115?profile=originalthis build envolved one kettle reclaimed from fire pit

    two bits of pine from old shelves,

    a few nails,a spoon,

    dog bones,

    odd screws etc from drawers and cupboards,

    3 cut down slinky strings from a marlin,

    2 hinges from same fire pit. and three machine heads (various) from old guitars.

    the paint is near ten years old according to the pot witch i found in a skip,

    all built with a rubber mallet and a sharp screwdriver. great fun ;)

  • I've been meaning to use that headlamp for some time, this just gave me an excuse to finally do it!
  • Nice work, and way in the spirit of the recycled theme. Kind-a pretty too if I do say so.


  • Wow, that's really creative MR.  Never would've thought to use a motocycle headlamp!
  • Duh! Forgot the pictures.



  • I finally finished up my entry.  I didn't get it finished in time because I was trying to build it with a minimum of tools and all salvaged materials.  So I was doing the soldering with matches and trying to build a tuner out of parts from an old porch light.  Well, it didn't work out.  It sat for a few months and now I've finally decided to just finish it up.

    It has a motorcycle headlight for the body.  The neck is a piece of electrical conduit which I bent using the braces in the rafters of my basement. I hammered one end square so I could hammer it through the square holes in the headlight.  The "soundboard" is the bottom of a perkins cookie tin which is held in the headlight ring with scrap pieces of wood which are arranged in such a way that the pressure of them against each other and the headlight ring holds everything together.  I gave up on building my own tuner, pounded the end flat and installed a tuning machine with a couple sheet metal screws.  That was the first I used an electric tool (a drill), up until that point it had been build entirely with common hand tools (hacksaw, hammer, knife).  I also gave up on using the microphone from a cellphone as the pickup after the tiny wires broke and just glued a piezo to the "soundboard." Aside from the 2 screws that hold the tuner on, there is one screw that holds the headlight ring in place.

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