I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. For users with iphones, Ipod touch, or ipads your videos from other hosts don't play. It has to do with the war between windows (flash videos) and apple. The videos posted to youtube do play. This is just a heads up to let everybody know your videos might not be heard if the viewer is on their apple product. :D

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  • It actually works pretty slick. If you navigate to a YouTube link with your browser, and you copy the URL, when you launch Skyfire, it knows you have a YouTube link in your clipboard, and automatically asks if you want to play it with Skyfire.

    • Clock, that video did not play on my iphone.

  • Yep, Apple products won't support Flash. But, if you get an app called Skyfire for your iPhone, iPad, etc...it will host the video to its own server, and then stream it to your Apple device in a format that will play.

    • Whoa Dan! Are you trying to be the man and teach me something that will vastly improve my nearly perfect relationship with my iphone?! I already shoot, edit, and upload HD video from it. Now I'll never look at my PC again! Thanks!

  •    How about stuff people load directly to this site? Anyone have any problems?

    • Post a link to one uploaded here and I will try to open it with my iphone.

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