The temp isn't too bad today but the humidity is around 10 bazillion (+ -) percent.
5 minutes of sanding without a GOOD mask ( cloth respirator ) and I'm debilitated with a migrain the next day.
3 carved necks on the bench means lotsa sanding ..... I'm sweating my lips of here!
That is all.
Well, I have all of the allergy meds I need. Other allergies dictate daily use.
But with the toxicity that exists in some wood dusts coupled with my allergies, it only took a couple of times to figure out the source of those migraines.
Meds wouldn't stop it ....... only keeping it out will.
I used to get asthma type symptoms (difficulty in exhaling) but no headaches. I have recently been prescribed something called Clenil Modulite, which is also termed as a "preventer". You need to take it regularly and it's effectiveness builds up over a couple of weeks, so you should really use if for that period before working wood. I also use a beclometasone nasal spray which keeps my nose clear. Neither of these have any noticeable side effect as far as I am aware.
Hope this may be of some use.
Good thing is the new cloth respirators ( masks) I now use work great. sanded 2 necks on the belt sander and the drill drum attachment without any problems today.