I want to mark out the fret lines on a build I am doing for reference. I will not be installing fret bars but want the reference. Was thinking of wood burning the lines. Has anyone tried this (wood burning) method? Or what would you use for a good way to mark out the fret lines for reference playing of a slide guitar?

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  • You can do some really fun stuff with the woodburner. I have this acoustic CBG with a wooodburned neck... Imps claw headstock,, lil woodburned demons imps in the soundhole too.




  • I often cut a shallow fret slot, fill it with contrasting wood filler and sand smooth. Which isn't burning like you asked but gives a nice reference. I've burned fret lines in before using a thin finish nail held in pliers and heated with a propane torch. Mark out the frets first with a pencil and hold the hot nail down on your line. I think I was getting 3 or 4 frets marked before heating the nail again. I've also simply used a fine tip black Sharpie pen and drawn the lines on.

    • I will most likely use part of your idea for burning the fret count marks with some sort of metal object like  the head of of a 16 penny nail or something. Thanks got me thinking.

  • Hi Arthur. I have done two wood burned slide guitar "frets". I cut a fine, very shallow fret slot (really just a deep "scratch"), which allowed me to get a very straight burn with a nice edge. Worked for me!

    • Ah good idea on the cut line for wood burning, going to use that idea. Thanks

  • I've done it. Works just fine. Mark them with a pencil then burn away. I don't know of a downside, but that may just be me.

    • thanks looking for the wood burner now!

      • Check Michaels hobby shop. They have several different wood burner and tips. 

      • I need to find mine also.

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