
  • Hey welcome to the club! ;-) I think we've all got a 'where was my head at' moment sooner or later. Great suggestions though to recycle and reuse what you've built. The power of CBG Nation!

  • We all have our albatross to bear. I say make a ukulele.
    • Thanks guys. I think maybe I should just make this into a tiny hockey stick. 

    • Nope. Rubber band gun.
  • Slice off the heel block at the joint, sand down the top of the neck, and reattach the heel block on the correct side.mthis is eminently salvageable. Not a lost cause at all.
  • nice  harp  neck  ;-)

  • You can't separate the heel block from the neck?  Even if you had to plane off 1/16" you can glue on a fretboard over top.  I would try to saw it off close then plane.  

    • I will cut off the heel block right below the glue joint, it will just be a bit shorter for another project, and use the rest of the neck for small bits as I need them. But I may keep this one as a reminder to myself :) Or make a guitar with a super, super, super high and totally unusable action and string angle. Or keep it around to fight off intruders. Maple is very hard, after all. 

    • I think you could cut off the heel block cutting with its glue joint on the neck, not cutting the neck shorter.  I would give it a try. You'll lose nothing more than wood and time.

      If you replane both the neck surface and the heel block you could salvage both and glue the block on the correct side.

    • Thats what I would do, especially after all the time spent and hassle of fitting up and gluing the scarf.

      I'd rather lose the heel block, or have a slightly smaller one, than redo the entire neck from scratch. Easier to remake a heel block, if necessary, than redo a scarf (time and effort )

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