What does your workshop/area look like, post pictures/videos. Because inquiring minds want to know! I live in an RV, my shop consist of a storage bay and a picnic table, plus whatever I can sneak inside without the wife running me and my 'junk' back out!

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  • Organized chaos 3707224013?profile=RESIZE_710xFuture guitars

    3707226176?profile=RESIZE_710xWork in progress

    3707228351?profile=RESIZE_710x  3707229659?profile=RESIZE_710xMessy but I call it home!

    • My kind of shop! :-)

    • nice. i cant stack wood like that , water flows on the floor when it rains heavily! lol

  • Mine looks like Pic's.,I used to use the kitchen table.,but there was alot of sawdust and I never put anything away.,.,I have moved on.,.,now everything is built either on top of the clothes dryer., or in my lap, cross legged on the floor.,,.I tried building in bed, but the tools are painful to sleep on.,.,

    • Yeah for sure! LOL

  • I do not have a workshop, everything I have built in the last 3 years has been made on a small folding bench and a side table which holds all the parts and my cup of wine. all my tools are in a neat stack in a corner of a storage garage.

      • Words like "clean" and "neat" aren't allowed when describing work areas! It gives the other half ammo against the "neat and clean" challenged! LOL. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, I live in an RV park and my work area is a bedside hospital table and a picnic table for my clamp on vice. The toolboxes are stacked (notice no mention of neat)in a corner of a small storage area.
    • clean is not an option as I am quite exposed to the elements and my neatness is reserved for storage only, my work area is entirely covered in dirt and stones, there is no neatness there, I have lost many a 1mm machine head screw beneath my feet.

  • I'm a lucky guy, plenty of space to make a mess!3700140280?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Hi Ben plenty of good light too and dust extraction. Mess? Mine gets messy too until the jobs done. I try to go though once a week putting things back where they belong. Nice workshop.


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