
  • Your welcome Ron, seems like your comment would be a good first verse. I Got a idea for chorus,   Where did all the years go when we wasn't looking, They just seem_to fly by no one Knows  why_  time keeps a changing_ life keeps re arraigning _ the years just seem to pass us by_we just keep on changing trying to keep up with all the changes_ and life just seem to pass us by 

    • Now I wanna hear it with a slide in shane Speals jazz tuning.

  • Ron your right there Old but Man there good One of the few groups still around that played when I was a Kid. Oh Man where did all the years go

    • I think someone took those years while we weren't looking, stuffed em in a trunk in the back of Neil Young's Linc-Volt, drove em down Highway 61 to Bob Dylan's boyhood home in Minnesota, and buried them in the backyard, right next to Jerry Garcia's cat. Jim Morrison has the key.

      Now I gotta go write a song about it, called "Where Did All The Years Go?" Thanks for the inspiration, James! :-)
  • Keith Richards has gotta be older than dirt, then...
  • Oh yea love the Rolling Stones Guess I am getting Old Wild Horses one My favorite songs Played on GBG a while back posted on here. Great song and Great Group.

  • Good timing - I've been reading Philip Norman's biography of Mick Jagger.

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