in most cases (piezos excluded) volume and / or tone controls are unnecessary with most amps available these days - they come with a variety of controls and if you did what I did during a live gig one day you'll never fit them! I never usually fit them to new builds unless specifically requested and charge accordingly (-:
what did I do...? my sound mysteriously went, after checking the amp, leads etc mid-set I had inadvertently moved the volume knob to zero...duuuh ;-)
It's worth every penny if you ever get more than a few feet away from your amp. I once wondered the same thing and have regretted not putting one in every time I didn't.
in most cases (piezos excluded) volume and / or tone controls are unnecessary with most amps available these days - they come with a variety of controls and if you did what I did during a live gig one day you'll never fit them! I never usually fit them to new builds unless specifically requested and charge accordingly (-:
what did I do...? my sound mysteriously went, after checking the amp, leads etc mid-set I had inadvertently moved the volume knob to zero...duuuh ;-)