virtual builds

in another post i mentioned that i've been an artist my entire life and i now work in an app called sketchclub...  below are examples of a many layered drawing where i can turn layers on and off and play with designs...  sorta like colorforms!  us old timers remember colorforms!

i respectfully ask that you please don't steal my designs for resale. but if you want to use one for a personal build, go for it...


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  • very cool work. I'll stick to hand drawn then perhaps paint program. Hahaha



  • I like your designs, one in particular....but it seemed like it was missing something, didn't flow right(my opinion only of course) so I took some liberty, what do you think of the top cutout versus your original bottom cutout, kind of a "Shark" logo, call-em, ....Mako Guitars...or...Tiger Shark CBG's, or....spitballing here!

    And hopefully I didn't offend you modifying your design, just some fun.


  • I like your design style. I will find a box I like, look at it until I see what it will become. We all approach it in different ways that's art. It's just cool.
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