Samantha Fish is currently on her Chills & Fever 2017 tour and she sat down with to show off her pedalboard and main guitars (including her Stogie Box 4-string cigar box guitar).  Check out the wild space effects she gets from her delay!

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  • Love it!!! thanks

  • "That the way I like it" ,when people take the time to share their back grounds, she good ,music good ,even band good, just waiting on the new CD,

  • I watched it twice before I realized she was playing guitar
  • Yep, she has a sweet looking Taylor acoustic.
  • Awesome. Lover her pedal choices. I notice she has a L.R Braggs Para Acoustic DI. The brown pedal with 'SAM' written on it. Wonder if she grabs an acoustic derring her set. As someone who owns way to many distortion and fuzz pedals I can totally dig her three choices. What's nice is each one of the three sound completely different. And have to admit i'm drooling all over that Analog Man. Sweet. 

  • Thinline Tele's are great, SG also. Nice pedal arrangement. Her CBG has a P Bass pickup, these are great little pickups. If you can get your hands on one that has a 5k DCR or more with Alnico magnets, they have an awesome amount of attitude. Like a mini-P90.

  • Props to Stogie Box Blues for making one she loves!  I know other builders have been just flat out giving her their builds for free, but ya never see her playing anything besides that same Stogie Box Blues CBG!

  • She's playing locally, but I'm on vacation. 8-(

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